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        当前位置:首页 >> 公告公示

        No.176 Notice on Epidemic Prevention and Control(EN/JP/KR)

        时间:2022-11-29 11:23      浏览次数:       来源:       字号:[ ]



          No.176 Notice on Epidemic Prevention and Control

          The current domestic epidemic situation is severe and complicated. Recently, a few spill-over cases from other provinces and cities have been cofirmed in Wuxi. In order to quickly and effectively stop the spread of the epidemic and protect the life and health of the citizens, considering the current epidemic prevention and control needs, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Covid-19 Prevention and Control Working Guidelines (Ninth Edition), Notice on Further Optimizing the Prevention and Control of Covid-19, and Guidelines for Risk Areas Delineation and Control of Covid-19 issued by the Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council, and in view of medical experts analysis, since 0:00 on November 28, 2022, Wuxi Covid-19 Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters announced that the following key regions involved in the personnel with abnormal nucleic acid results were designated as risk areas:

          High-risk areas

          No. 11, Xicheng Second Village, Beidajie Sub-district, Liangxi District

          No.19, Shimao International Plaza, Beidajie Sub-district, Liangxi District

          No. 6, Shimao Shoufu Tianyu Jingyuan, Beidajie Sub-district, Liangxi District

          No. 136, Jianshe New Village, Beidajie Sub-district, Liangxi District

          No.23, Evergrande Yuelongwan, Beidajie Sub-district, Liangxi District

          No. 32, Hejiayuan, Beidajie Sub-district, Liangxi District

          No. 20 Kangqiao Lijing, Beidajie Sub-district, Liangxi District

          No.130, Longtang Jiayuan, Huangxiang Sub-district, Liangxi District

          No. 114, Yangmuqiao, Huangxiang Sub-district, Liangxi District

          Low-risk areas

          All areas in Liangxi District excluding the above high-risk areas

          The above risk areas will be adjusted in due course according to the changing situation of the epidemic.

          In high-risk areas, the policy of stay-at-home and door-to-door service will be implemented, and necessary services and goods will be delivered to their doorsteps. Citizens who have recently been to the above high-risk areas should immediately report to their communities (villages) and actively cooperate with the implementation of relevant control measures. Those who conceal and lie about personal information will be investigated for legal responsibility. Residents in high-risk areas should contact their communities (villages) if they have special needs such as medical treatment and medicine purchase. The citizens in low-risk areas are advised to refrain from leaving their district. If they have urgent reasons to leave the district, it is necessary for them to hold a negative nucleic acid test within 48 hours. The citizens are advised to refrain from non-essential travels and social activities, and workers are advised to take point-to-point travel mode.

          The recent local Covid-19 cluster transmissions appeared in many places in the country, with broad coverage and frequent occurrence. Affected by the epidemic spillover from other provinces and cities and the intensified flow of people, the prevention and control work in our city is at the most critical moment. All Wuxi-bound travelers shall register via Wuxis Entry Declaration System in advance, apply for personal doorbell code, and truthfully fill in the relevant information. All Wuxi-bound travelers shall cooperate with the arrival PCR test, take 3 PCR tests for 3 days since the day of arrival, and cooperate with the follow-up health management measures.Those who fail to fulfill the responsibility of epidemic prevention and control, violate the relevant regulations of epidemic prevention and control of the city and cause the risk of epidemic transmission will be investigated for legal responsibility according to law.

          The whole city should tighten the responsibility of four parties, and do all the work carefully. Party committees and governments at all levels should strictly fulfill their territorial responsibilities, and strengthen guidance and coordination. The competent departments of the industry should strictly fulfill their regulatory responsibilities, strengthen supervision and inspection, and ensure that personnel screening and control are in place. Enterprises and public institutions should strictly fulfill their main responsibilities, improve their management systems, and ensure that epidemic prevention measures are properly implemented.

          There are no bystanders or outsiders, and each of us is an important part of the national prevention and control system. Do not panic, do not believe, fabricate or spread rumors. We urge the public to strictly abide by the epidemic prevention and control regulations, and actively cooperate with the epidemic prevention and control work.

          Wuxi Covid-19 Epidemic Prevention

          and Control Headquarters

          November 28, 2022

























          우시시 코로나19 예방통제

          176 통고

          현재 국내 코로나19 상황이 심각해지며 다른 지역으로부터 영향을 받으면서 외부 유입으로 인한 코로나19 재확산세가 대두되고 있습니다. 이에 코로나19 감염을 차단하여 인민대중의 생명·건강을 지키기 위해 신종코로나바이러스감염증 예방통제 방안(9), 코로나19 방역조치 최적화 과학화 관련 통지, 코로나19 위험구 지정 통제 관련 방안에서의 규정과 전문가의 분석 판단에 근거하여, 2022 11 28 0 기준으로 우시시 코로나19 위험구역을 아래와 같이 지정합니다.


          량시구 베이다지에(北大街거리시청(锡澄)2 11

          량시구 베이다지에(北大街거리시마오(世茂)국제광장 19

          량시구 베이다지에(北大街거리시마오소우부(世茂首府티안유징위안(天域景园) 6

          량시구 베이다지에(北大街거리건설신촌 136

          량시구 베이다지에(北大街거리, 헝다(恒大웨룽완(悦珑湾) 23

          량시구 베이다지에(北大街거리, 허지아위안(禾嘉苑) 32

          량시구 베이다지에(北大街거리, 캉치아오리징(康桥丽景) 20

          량시구 황샹(黄巷)거리, 룽탕지아위안(龙塘家园) 130

          량시구 황샹(黄巷)거리, 양무치아오(杨木桥) 114


          고위험구를 제외한 량시구의 기타 지역

          위험구 등급은 코로나19 사태의 변화에 따라 조정됩니다. 

          고위험구는 ‘외출 불가, 필수 서비스 가정별 단독 제공’ 실시합니다. 고위험구를 방문했던 시민들은 반드시 즉시 소속 커뮤니티(마을) 신고하여 주시고 방역 관련 규정을 준수하여 주시기 바랍니다. 허위·기만 신고를 경우에 법적 책임을 추궁할 것입니다. 고위험구 주민들은 병원 방문 또는 약폼 구매 등이 필요할 경우 소속 커뮤니티(마을) 연락하여 도움을 요청할 있습니다. 저위험구 주민들은 가급적 밖으로 나가지 마시며외출이 반드시 필요할 경우에 48시간 PCR검사 음성증명서 소지해야 합니다. 또한 불필요한 이동 사회활동을 줄이고 ‘장소-장소’의 외출 방식 권장합니다.

          현재 전국적으로방역상황이 복잡해지고 코로나19 위험지역이 증가하며 외부유입 감염자 유동인구 증가 인해 우시 코로나19 방역은 중요한 단계에 직면하고 있습니다우시로 유입하거나 복귀하는 인원은 ‘우시 유입 신고 시스템(入锡申报系统) 이용하여 주동적으로 신고하여 정확한 개인정보를 등록하고 ‘개인 먼링마(个人门铃码) 발부받아야 합니다. 또한 ‘도착 PCR검사’3 3차례의 PCR검사’건강 모니터링 조치로 방역망을 더욱더 촘촘히 구축해야 합니다. 방역규정 협조 거부 또는 위반으로 인해 코로나19 전파 위험을 초래할 경우 법적 책임을 지게 있습니다.

          우시시의 모든 기관, 기업 또는 시민들은 자체적 책임 이행 더욱 강화하고 방역의 끈을 바짝 조여야 합니다. 각급 정부는 소속지 책임을 다하여 감독 관리를 더욱 강화해야 하며, 분야의 주관기관은 자체관리의 책임을 성실히 이행하여 방역 관련 점검 작업을 성실히 실시해야 합니다. 사업체와 사회단체는 자체관리의 책임을 지속적으로 이행하고 방역 시스템을 규범화하여 방역조치를 착실히 실시해야 합니다.

          코로나19 방역에 있어 우리 모두의 노력이 필요하며, 우리 누구나 방역의 일원이자 주체입니다. 시민 여러분은 방역수칙을 성실히 준수해 주시고 허위사실을 믿거나 유포·날조하지 마시며, 방역사업에 적극 협조하여 주시기 바랍니다

          우시시 코로나19

          연합예방통제 지휘부

          2022 11 28


          当前国内疫情形势严峻复杂,近期外省市疫情外溢关联我市,引发输入性疫情。为快速有效阻断疫情传播,切实保障辖区群众生命安全和身体健康,根据当前疫情防控需要,按照国务院应对新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情联防联控机制综合组《新型冠状病毒肺炎防控方案(第九版)》《关于进一步优化新冠肺炎疫情防控措施 科学精准做好防控工作的通知》《新冠肺炎疫情风险区划定及管控方案》相关规定,经专家研判,自202211280时起,对核酸结果异常人员所涉及重点区域,划定相关风险区域如下:























        本篇文章共有1页 当前为第 1
